Friday, November 4, 2011

There's Just Something About a Good Book Cover...

That will catch the eye of your potential readers.  The above is the one chosen for the second in series of the Sabrina Strong stories. When I was sent another one, earlier in the summer, I rejected it. I told my publisher that it was too bright and it really didn't give a sense of what might be happening in the book. I gave him some ideas to work with. I'm fortunate that my publisher agreed with me and was willing to work with me.

I've posted about this now on Lorelei's Muse and now at my writing journal--which for some reason people have been joining up to follow. I didn't think anyone would be interested in it.

Anyway, I'm excited about this cover as I've already gotten a handfull of great comments about it. The edits are nearly finished on their end, and I get them next to approve or what have you.

As I posted, I'm so glad I'm not doing the insane NaNo thing. Right now it is almost 4pm. I've been up since 4 am. That's when we get up to get ready for our day. We've had to run into the store for some things. I was already dragging by the time we got out of there. I'm dead now, and want to take a nice hot bath and forget about the week--not that it was a bad week. On the contrary, it was rather good with some unexpected benefits--some of which I hope will move things in the right direction.

I'm still trying to work out the kinks in the short story. As I've admitted I'm not a short story writer. I'm not sure if what I wind up with will find its way into publication. When and if it happens I'll announce it. I need to work on that this weekend. I would rather work on something that might pay me something in return. I don't like doing work for nothing. In the past I have written and have been paid--not much, but it was worth seeing my by line under the title (be it a poem, short story or an article), get at least one copy and a check to spend however I want.

Working at a maddening pace for the hell of it isn't my idea of fun. Right now I need to go relax in the tub. then I'll get myself a glass of wine and wind down with husband in our kitchen and veg.

Have a great weekend. That's what I intend on doing.