My book Vampire Ascending has been out only a few short months, and things keep on developing. I'm getting messages from people who I don't even know, sometimes, over on facebook. One was from a woman who said she'd read my book, congratulating me on it and wishing me success. She said it was a "damn good book". I chuckled to myself. I enjoy reader's reviews to me like that. I invited her to join the book's facebook page, if she hadn't already. I had just posted about being on Reader Views just this week. This was all because of my publisher, Copperhill Media, who had put this extra effort in promotions. I certainly could not have done this. They are certainly doing everything they can in promoting my book, getting it out there.
Promoting is probably half the job of getting the notice of people who aren't aware of your book.
I brought my book to work with me two days this week. I drive a transit bus for NIU, so I meet all sorts of students. I pick up a student, Tony, who also works for the Northern Star, and he has agreed to interview me. He got on and I gave him the book to look at. This prompted a conversation. He told me he wanted to buy the book and then read it before our interview for the paper. He told me he is an English major. Cool. He said "It would be nice to read something other than Shakespeare."
So he is going to read this during spring break in a few weeks coming up. I'll have a pretty good feature, I'm sure. Looking forward to that. It will be something for my book in March.
Setting things up at other places has been on-going. I don't always get responses. I sometimes get turned down. But not always. I was at Suburban Vampire blog this month too. That was well done, and it was great to see she did a wonderful job on the blog too.
So, I get to the weekend I have to spend some time promoting and the rest of it working on the next book. I've got chapters up at Muse and at Archives for people to check these out.
That's my up-date for now.