Sunday, July 4, 2010


On Friday I pretty much had the nail in the coffin on my book, except for the very end, which ties up loose ends, your resolution of the whole book. I needed something that fit. I knew it had to have something to do with the beginning. I like to write books that lead back to the beginning somehow.

I knew not to fret over this. The answer always comes, if you just wait. You need to relax, and let the answers come. They do. And for me, always in the middle of the night.

When I woke up at 2 am, I knew I had to write down what had come to me. It was quite unique in the way I needed to end this with the two main characters.

I still need to go and do edits. Find the weaknesses, and fill out some scene I'd left unwritten because I was unsure about how to write it, but now it's clear.

I've entered the second chapter of Vampire Ascending into my other blog Lorelei's Archives, if anyone wishes to read it. The first chapter was posted in MAY.


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